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"LOOKING UNTO JESUS" - As a further inducement to do this, the apostle exhorts us to look to the Saviour. We are to look to his holy life; to his patience and perseverance in trials; to what he endured in order to obtain the crown, and to his final success and triumph.

"THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH" - of our faith - The word "our" is not in the original here, and obscures the sense. The meaning is, he is the first and the last as an example of faith or of confidence in God - occupying in this, as in all other things, the pre-eminence, and being the most complete model that can be placed before us.       ... -The word "author" - ἀρχηγὸν archēgon - (marg. beginner) - means properly the source, or cause of anything; or one who makes a beginning. It is rendered in Acts 3:15; Acts 5:31, "Prince"; in Hebrews 2:10, "Captain"; and in the place before us, "Author."

"WHO FOR THE JOY THAT WAS SET BEFORE HIM" - That is, who in view of all the honor which he would have at the right hand of God, and the happiness which he would experience from the consciousness that he had redeemed a world, was willing to bear the sorrows connected with the atonement.

"ENDURED THE CROSS" - Endured patiently the ignominy and pain connected with the suffering of death on the cross.

"DESPISING THE SHAME" - Disregarding the ignominy of such a mode of death. It is difficult for us now to realize the force of the expression, "enduring the shame of the cross," as it was understood in the time of the Saviour and the apostles. The views of the world have changed, and it is now difficult to divest the "cross" of the associations of honor and glory which the word suggests, so as to appreciate the ideas which encompassed it then. There is a degree of dishonor which we attach to the guillotine, but the ignominy of a death on the cross was greater than that; there is disgrace attached to the block, but the ignominy of the cross was greater than that; there is a much deeper infamy attached to the gallows, but the ignominy of the cross was greater than that. And that word - the cross - which when now proclaimed in the ears of the refined, the intelligent, and even the frivolous, excites an idea of honor, in the ears of the people of Athens, of Corinth, and of Rome, excited deeper disgust than the word "gallows" does with us - for it was regarded as the appropriate punishment of the most infamous of mankind.

"AND IS SET DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE THRONE OF GOD" - Exalted to the highest place of dignity and honor in the universe; Mark 16:19 note; Ephesians 1:20-22 notes. The sentiment here is, "Imitate the example of the great Author of our religion. He, in view of the honor and joy before him, endured the most severe sufferings to which the human frame can be subjected, and the form of death which is regarded as the most shameful. So amidst all the severe trials to which you are exposed on account of religion, patiently endure all - for the glorious rewards, the happiness and the triumph of heaven, are before you."


"LOOKING" or better translated as, "LET US FIX OUR EYES" -To look away from (something else) to, see distinctly. From apo and horao; to consider attentively.

"THE AUTHOR" -Originator, author, founder, prince, leader. From arche and ago; a chief leader. (also translated as pioneer)

"FINISHER" -A perfecter, completer, finisher. From teleioo; a completer, i.e. Consummater.

"FAITH" -Faith, belief, trust, confidence; fidelity, faithfulness.

"JOY" -Joy, gladness, a source of joy. From chairo; cheerfulness, i.e. Calm delight.

"ENDURED" - From hupo and meno; to stay under, i.e. Remain; figuratively, to undergo, i.e. Bear, have fortitude, persevere.

"DESPISING" - To despise, scorn, and show it by active insult, disregard. From kata and phroneo; to think against, i.e. Disesteem.

"SHAME" - Shame, shamefacedness, shameful deeds. From aischunomai; shame or disgrace.

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